
Our report from last week ended with the Monday visit to a quarry, which is 6 km from the future high school. The quarry was formerly used to extract stone and sand for the construction of the railway lines, but is now abandoned. On Monday afternoon, another attempt was made to set up the internet in the...

Our realization team meets regularly every fortnight on Mondays, now partly online and partly in person. Our working group is slowly growing with more members, currently, there are thirteen of us involved in the project in the core realization team from CTU and most of us will travel to Kashitu this summer. We have already filled out the volunteer...

Kashitu is a small town located in a rural part of Zambia, close to cities Ndola and Kapiri Mposhi. Buildings are scattered through the landscape as is usual in Afrika. Natural center of the area is around the train station. Here are located public buildings as school, church, a playground and also a center of a NGO - New Renato Community Society....

Secondary education is available for only 25% of the population. Tuition together with school location in large cities are two main reasons for low secondary education availability.

Traditional buildings are connected with the way of life in the rural area and climatic condition in the locality. A typical family in rural area owns a piece of land to grow crops and vegetables for a whole year. Houses are rather small, dedicated to the specific purpose. One family has two houses for sleeping, one house for cooking,...

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